Thursday, September 19

Condom Use and Genital Warts

Genital warts are the result of a viral skin infection caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV). HPV is the most common sexually transmitted disease, infecting about 80 percent of young women within five years of becoming sexually active. They are usually painless and do not pose a serious threat to health. However, they can appear unsightly and cause psychological disorders.

The use of condoms (male or female) every time the vaginal or anal sex is the most effective way to prevent genital warts, not celibacy (no sex)

Men who used condoms were much less likely to have HPV detected. 37.9% of those who said they always used condoms tested positive for the virus, as compared to 53.9% of those who never used condoms.

However, the protection is not 100%. Genital warts are the result of a viral skin infection caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV). Since HPV is transmitted skin to skin contact is possible that the skin around the genital area (without a condom) were infected.

However, condoms are the safest option. If you have oral sex, cover the penis with condom, a latex or polyurethane (plastic) square can be used to cover the area of the anus or female sexual organs. Dental dams are usually available only to the genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinics, although the local pharmacy may have to order something for you.

Avoid sharing sex toys. However, if you do share, clean the cover with a new condom before anyone else uses them.

The best way to prevent genital warts is to avoid sex or have sex with only one uninfected partner. Using condoms also may help to prevent infection. However, condoms can’t always cover all affected skin. Factors that increase your risk of becoming infected include:

Having other STDs

Multiple sex partners


Certain vitamin deficiencies

Medications or medical conditions that suppress the immune system, such as AIDS

Following these measures will also protect you from getting a number of other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV, chlamydia and gonorrhea.

For women, if you have had genital warts, you should be tested for cervical cancer at least once every year. Cervical cancer can be prevented with regular Pap smears, and can be cured in most cases when it is detected in early stages.

Effect home remedies for genital warts for men . Genital warts are a sexually transmitted disease which affects men and women. In men, they often occur on the tip or shaft of the penis, the scrotum, or the anus. The best treatment for genital warts is one which can deal with HPV which is responsible for genital warts outbreak.