Tuesday, November 5

Tag: Two-Tone Dining Table

Future Technology

Need Inspiration? Check Out Amazon Online Grocery Shopping Uk

Amazon Expands Online Grocery Shopping in the UK It's one thing to shake up the status quo of a bookselling industry, and it's another to challenge Tesco in its own way in the realm of grocery. The move could impact supermarkets' margins which are already thin. Does it work? According to Mintel, the ecommerce giant has caught up in the highly competitive food industry in the UK, but it’s share of online shopping barely reaches 3percent. Cost Amazon with a grocery market-share that is only a 10th of Tesco's share, has launched a new weapon in the fight for the wallets of British shoppers. Amazon plans to expand its Fresh service starting in London and select Home Counties to all of the country's major towns and cities. The move will bring it into competition with Deliveroo which...